New! Delete sent posts from each social media network

We’re pleased to announce that it’s now possible to delete published posts from within CoSend. This new functionality means that you no longer have to login to each social media account to delete published posts, making it quick and easy to delete posts you no longer want your followers to see.

This functionality is supported for the following profile types:

  • Facebook Pages
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn Profiles
  • LinkedIn Pages
  • Google My Business


Unfortunately, the Instagram and Facebook Groups API’s don’t currently allow us to delete posts (which we think is a bit strange, seeing as we can do it for Facebook Pages!), but as soon as this situation changes will add the functionality in.

API and webhooks

  • This new functionality is also available via our API, and you can see the documentation here.
  • A new webhook has been added to the system admin: sent_post.deleted
    • It’s important to note that this will only be fired if a user deletes a sent post from within our interface, it does not fire when the post gets deleted from the network’s web or app interface

Sadly CoSend will be shutting down at the end of April. Please make sure to export any data you need from your account prior to shut down, as it will be deleted.

We appreciate your support, and wish you all the best.